Through SIGA (Inet System for Archive Management) you can:

Consult sacramental registers.
By sacramental register we mean literal data extracted from sacramental certificates of baptism, marriage and decease, registered in the sacramental books of the 210 parishes of Bizkaia which have their fonds stored at the AHEB-BEHA. Thanks to an Agreement with the Basque Government, the process of extracting data has concluded the first stage and two more stages are still foreseen (2004-2005 and 2006-2008) to make all sacramental registers belonging to the parishes of Bizkaia from 1501 to 1900 available in the web. As database is implemented, you will have more opportunities to find the data you need.
For further information or data, please, go to the pdf catalogues or web form.

Consult on-line the general catalogue containing the fonds stored and safekept by AHEB-BEHA.
The information you can find will depend on the type of fonds you are looking for. You will find detailed information about parochial fonds. As these are open fonds, part of the documentation is still kept at the parishes and in such event, we will let you know that the documentation has not been transferred to AHEB-BEHA. As fonds – parochial and non-parochial – reach the AHEB-BEHA, information will be extended. It has to be borne in mind that although such documentation might appear in our finding aids, neither in the parishes, nor in the diocesan organisms or in the AHEB-BEHA is public access allowed to documentation under 75 years.

On-line request for sacramental registers reprography,either because you have concrete data or because you have succeeded in finding them through our database. Should the latter be the case, you should register as user to enable us to give due satisfaction to your request. Your user number and password are personal and not-transferable, and the advantages of being registered in the system allow you to make new requests, consult the state of your requests and receive detailed information about AHEB-BEHA's activities. Diocesan and non-diocesan institutions can also use this system to put in their requests to AHEB-BEHA.

sponsored by:
Gobierno Vasco

Expanded and improved system due to Plan Avanza Subsidy

plan avanza